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Nextbridge’s Power-Packed Software Development Technologies List

  • Post published:June 8, 2022

Disclaimer: This blog is the continuity of the article “20+ Technologies That Follow Top Trends In Software Development.”

The software development technologies list is incomplete without these technologies, tools, and frameworks:

Software Development Tools

To develop software, we need some tools that can lead us to the perfect development and takes less time and more efficiency.

23. DB Schema

We added it to the must-have software development technologies list, and it stands for database schema. It refers to a visual representation of the database and the rules (called integrity constraints) that govern the database.

Just to let you know, DB schema has some featured tools for writing or executing queries, generating or exploring data, and even building reports.

It supports all SQL and No-SQL databases, including MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redshift, MongoDB, Snowflake, and others.

24. Swagger

It is software that allows a developer to elucidate the structure of their APIs so that a machine can comprehend them feasibly. This ability of APIs to describe their own structure is the root of the Swagger creation.

What is Swagger UI? It is a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript assets that generate (documentation-complaint) APIs dynamically. That too by following all the top trends in the software development environment.

It plays an important role in product development, and hence, we have it listed under important software technologies.

25. Postman

If you must know, Postman is included in the world’s leading software development technologies list and API platforms to build and use APIs. It is used to test different APIs like a real genius.

Not to forget, Postman does wonders by testing HTTP requests, incorporating GUI (graphical user interface), through which we obtain different responses that need to be validated later.

What excites us more is that Postman has various built-in tools that are integrated to build, mock, design, automate testing, document, publish or monitor API and that too from one place.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

What do developers need when creating software? Of course, an open ground to play in which they can implement top trends in software development freely.

For instance, IDE is a pure working environment that facilitates programmers with comprehensive tools and frameworks, which are undeniably a great way to let them induce aesthetics into their software development process.

Integrated Development Environment includes a source code editor, debugger, and build automation tools.

26. Apache Netbeans

What are Apache Netbeans used for? It is one popular software development platform that is used in Java in order to build amazing applications.

The development is based on a set of modular software components called modules. More to that, Netbeans has good extensions for frameworks/tools added to the software development technologies list like PHP, C, C++, etc., other than working for Java.

Note: Netbeans IDE creates applications not only for desktops but web apps for mobile phones and tablets without even changing the coding.

27. AWS Cloud9

What is AWS cloud9? It is a cloud-based IDE to create apps in the most flexible environment.

All you need to have is a browser to run, edit or debug apps or codes. Moreover, it should have a debugger, code editor, and testing environment, which means all tools to deliver diligent performance.

Cloud9 IDE doesn’t require developers’ assistance in order to utilise or install different library files in the configuration of services and even in the execution of top trends in software development.

28. Atom

It is an open-source source code editor for Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS, developed by GitHub and written in Javascript (with the involvement of all relevant plugins).

It is application software that is created for developers who want to get access to their desktops. Hence, in simple words, we call it a desktop application.

Note: Developers call it a “hackable text editor for the 21st century” because it is customizable in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Developers at Nextbridge use atom software to create magic with their impressive codes.

Best Software Development Frameworks

The frameworks Nextbridge offers for businesses are truly magical and remarkably innovative. That’s why we have added the below-mentioned frameworks to the software development technologies list.

29. Bootstrap

What a magical technological innovation it is that has changed the way developers create online platforms. It is a free and open-source CSS framework. It enables coders to bring out responsive and mobile-first front-end web development.

What does it have? To roll out all the top trends in software development, Bootstrap combines HTML, CSS, and Javascript templates for forms, buttons, typography, navigations, and whatnot.

30. HTML5

The fifth version of HTML is the standard markup language that is used to create web pages. The most used and easiest programming language. The interesting part is that HTML5 supports audio and video content; however, HTML doesn’t.

Therefore, now many developers use HTML5 instead of HTML in their web development.

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31. Visual Studio

VS (Visual Studio) is the ultimate IDE and code editor launched by Microsoft for software developers so that they can bring unconventional changes to the online software/stores/businesses like a pro in less time.

Nextbridge’s software development technologies list includes visual studio because we believe in throwing an output that lasts for a longer time.

Developers use visual studio to create, edit, test or debug code. It is like the atom, which is another text editor for the coders.

Software Development Technologies list

Cloud Computing Tools

Cloud computing means delivering various services through the internet like databases, files, data storage, servers, and other technologies.

We will be elaborating on one such tool in the coming section.

32. Azure

Microsoft Azure, commonly known as Azure, provides a cloud computing service to manage applications via Microsoft-managed data centres. What excites us is that it supports numerous programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

Besides that, Azure holds enough knowledge about top trends in software development and provides Software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS).

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Azure cloud has more than 200 products/services to help you handle modern problems with super moderate solutions.

Data Science

It is an interdisciplinary field that uses the latest scientific processes, methods, systems, and algorithms to extract structured and unstructured data and insights. It is to apply knowledge from the data sets available in various application domains.

Nextbridge has many data scientists that analyse data and insights from the already existing information.

33. Data Studio Databricks

Data Studio is a free tool included in the software development technologies list that converts data into comprehensive, easy-to-understand, easy-to-setup, informative, and customizable reports and dashboards.

Databricks being the part of data studio, is a client library for Databricks Runtime. It helps you write jobs using Spark APIs and runs them on the Databricks cluster remotely.

34. Tensorflow

It is open-source and free software for artificial intelligence and machine learning. With the main focus on deep learning of neural networks, it provides aid in performing various tasks.

Besides that, Tensorflow, since its emergence, has evolved remarkably by implementing top trends in software development and utilised in a variety of programming languages (such as Javascript, C++, Java, and Python). The flexibility it comes with makes it well-fit in various sectors of different applications.

34. PyTorch

The most interesting thing about PyTorch is it is a free and open-source deep/machine learning framework based on the torch library. Moreover, it is used in applications such as natural language processing and computer vision, developed by Meta AI.

From prototyping research to production deployment, Pytorch speeds up the path profoundly. The software development technologies list is incomplete without this framework.

36. Pandas/Spark

If you must know, Pandas is a software library written for the programming language “Python.” It is basically used for data analysis and manipulation. Furthermore, it offers reliable data structures and manipulating operations for time series and numerical tables.

Whereas Apache Spark is a unified analytical engine to provide an environment for perfect data analysis and processing.

Pandas and Spark are two correlated frameworks working on the top trends in software development.

Pandas is a single-code de-facto standard for Python, whereas Spark is the de-facto standard for data processing. Thus, if you’re familiar with Pandas, you can also work on Spark without any learning curve.

37. OpenCV

The history is all clear. OpenCV was originally developed by Intel, then later supported by Willow Garage, and then Itseez. OpenCV is basically used for image processing.

What Hassan Rehman – AI Engineer at Nextbridge, says is all worth mentioning:

“OpenCV is a C-based Python library (and undoubtedly, added to the software development technologies list). The involvement of the C programming language makes it super fast. Plus, the data structure that is being used is NumPy array which is another C-based Python library.

Images are first converted into arrays. Each array index represents a pixel value of an image. Also, in layman’s terms, an array can be referred to as a matrix. Hence, all the image processing is done as a matrix operation.

What’s the focus point is that in this whole process, maths and linear algebra are involved. OpenCV provides a pre-defined function that we apply to the matrix for desired results.”

38. NLP/Spacy

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing; an important component of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the amazing ability of computer programs to understand human language.


What is Spacy? Well, it is an open-source software library for perfect and advanced natural language processing operations. Additionally, this library is written in programming languages like Python and Cython.

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39. Taiga

If you really want to be well-versed with the software development technologies list, you should also have some know-how about the Taiga project management platform, used by Nextbridge and other big software development companies to meet agile designers, developers, and startups.

software development trends

Source Control

To manage and track code changes, source control or simply version control is the practice that is incorporated by many developers at Nextbridge.

The system named Source Control Management (SCM) provides a complete history of the running code development and aids in resolving conflicts while merging contributions from various sources.

In order to follow top trends in software development, we use the following systems:

40. GitHub

What is GitHub used for? Well. GitHub is the invention of Microsoft Cooperation and is a code hosting platform for version control and team collaboration.

GitHub provides chances for anyone (sitting anywhere) to work together on the same set of codes as it is a distributed system. The purpose behind using GitHub is that we can share it with both remote and in-house developers with maximum feasibility.

41. Bitbucket

The native Git tool under Atlassian’s open DevOps solutions, Bitbucket, works best with Jira integrations and built-In CI/CD. Moreover, Bitbucket is written in Python (using the Django web development framework).

The software development technologies list is not completed without Bitbucket. Not to miss, it is a mercurial and Git code management and collaboration system that is used by many professionals around the globe to build, test, and deploy software.


An early sample, design, model, or release of a product to understand the process and concept of the real product or services is denoted as prototyping. This practice is executed in many fields like designing, software engineering, and whatnot.

Additionally, to follow the top trends in software development, prototypes are highly considered.

As Tim Brown, CEO & President of IDEO, says, it is all right:

“They slow us down to speed us up. By taking the time to prototype our ideas, we avoid costly mistakes such as becoming too complex too early and sticking with a weak idea for too long.”

42. Balsamiq

Let’s change the world of bad user interfaces and instead, go for Balsamiq, which will infuse soul to your user interface designs, be it for mobile apps or websites. UI/UX professionals use software development technologies like this Balsamiq for wireframing and prototyping.

43. Adobe XD

When we talk about the magical top trends in software development, designing comes to the top of our minds. Right? Well, that’s true.

Adobe XD is one most powerful and fast UI/UX design providing software that has been utilised in Nextbridge forever. It is used for web apps and mobile apps.

44. UML

Another top-notch thing we have on the software development technologies list is Unified Modelling Language.

What makes it the best technology as it is a general-purpose, developmental modelling language that provides standard ways to envisage the design of the software.

45. Enterprise Architect

What does an enterprise architect do? Simple and facile, it is a comprehensive design and analysis tool, mainly used for UML, SysML, BPMN, and many other technologies.

Enterprise Architect is required to be customer-driven and efficient enough to provide solutions regarding analysis, modelling, testing, and maintenance of different software and processes.

Last but not least, it enables teams to coordinate with each other and builds confidence in the execution of complex projects.

Best DevOps Tools / Programs

Dev means development, and Ops means operations. DevOps’s main purpose is to combine practices and executions of both software development and IT operations.

It has changed the “way of work” by reducing the stages of the software development life cycle and increasing the quality of software while making its delivery up to the mark.

To follow the top trends in software development, learn about these two tools, too:

46. Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces

A developer tool that makes cloud-native development/deployment quite feasible and practical for the teams of developers or coders provides a consistent and pre-configured development environment using Kubernetes and containers.

As you must know, CodeReady Workspaces is a cloud IDE and developer workspace server. Defined as project code files, Workspaces come with dependencies that are necessary to edit, build, run, and debug.

Note: Every workspace has its own IDE, which is accessible through a browser. Irrefutably, the browser downloads the IDE as a single-page web application.

47. SendBird

It is in-app messaging software for developers and clients. So, what Nextbridge does is it drives immediate and powerful business impact with Sendbird’s in-app messaging solution.

What is Sendbird used for? Simple, it provides chat and messaging SDKs, APIs, and fully managed chat infrastructure.


Finally, we have elucidated a software development technologies list that is being used and deployed at Nextbridge. Hopefully, this discussion will help you best and provide you with an ideal learning curve.