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AR/VR: the new Sherlock Holmes

logo By Nextbridge Editorial Team

4 minutes read

Do you like crime series? Do you read detective stories more often? Well, the good news is that you can not only watch or read detective stories but you can be a detective inside your own home. Fascinating?

AR/VR has been tricking human senses for a long time, but these technologies have a pivotal role in law enforcement to solve crime a becoming a great tool in the pursuit of justice.

This article will cover the practice of AR/VR as a forensic tool.

Here's the fun part:

Oxygen’s Augmented Reality app lets you fully immerse into a computerized crime scene where you can search for clues inside your home, inspect evidence, and catch the killer.

Pieces of evidence will be spread everywhere and you’ll need to brush over the whole scene to investigate the suspects. You will become a real-time investigator with this Augmented Reality app and bring out your private detective skills.

Not only but also AR/VR has finally joined the fight against crime. Shady criminals will stay behind the bars as immersive technologies will handle terrorism on a whole new level.


The significance of AR/VR in Crime Scene

Vicious crime movies and series have attracted your attention all through history; from the movie Jack Reacher where a former police officer takes it upon himself to investigate a crime scene to Kill Bill who swears revenge on a team of assassins. Mystery-thriller films like these are a great puzzle that has you on the edge of your seats in solving a crime scene.

While you talk about the best thriller, mystery, and crime, Sherlock Holmes is still the best in this genre so far. Do you still love Sherlock Holmes? Arguably, the fictional detective is still sincerely loved for his high intellect and logic he possesses.

The crime documentation procedures and methods have radically changed in recent times. Crime Scene Investigators and Forensic Experts no longer rely on paper documents but visually document the crime scene to better save pieces of evidence.

If you think critically, there is a bunch of problems linked to physically being at the crime scene. There can be a high risk of uncleanliness or loss of important evidence due to the presence of unnecessary people at the scene.

In this sense, both augmented and virtual realities are proving to be really helpful and power tech tools in the field; CSI officers can inspect the scenes well and gather minute details that are often hidden to the naked eye.

Often times, officers have to re-visit the scene to re-evaluate; they can benefit from AR/VR to cater to investigation needs, documentation requirements, and challenges that are faced in the manual investigation.

AR/VR: the new teachers

Remarkably, the new Virtual Reality platform is being used to tutor crime scene specialists. A team of investigators capture every detail of a real-time crime scene and render it in a 3D atmosphere using Oculus Rift.

The videos insert a lot of realism once you step into the gear. Learners deal with witnesses and crime scene proofs like the investigations take place in a real inquiry.

The Police Department uses Virtual Reality to Tackle Domestic Violence

United States police officers are using Virtual Reality as a tool to confront domestic violence. GWENT police in the United Kingdom has introduced a Virtual Reality teaching system to train its police force to proactively react to hot crime situations.

As per them, they are the first to apply the Virtual Reality Cave approach in the UK where all the walls, floors, and ceilings of the room are used as projection screens to fully-immerse the trainee to interact with virtual characters.

There are role-players similar to real characters shooting at you and not even for a second it would feel unreal. Sometimes a real person behind the scene controls the avatar to give you a real field fight vibe. A perfect blend of fun and training!

Being Empathic is a Skill

Taser weapons is the company behind this great initiative. Chicago police are reconsidering its policies by applying revolutionary Virtual Reality technology training to save the lives of its citizens.

Police offices have to face a new scene almost every day. It makes it hard for them to think whether the person is guilty or someone with mental or emotional distress.

There have been several cases of insight where police officers opened fire on individuals who had mental issues and they faced a risk of death. Scenarios like that sparked the urge to better train officers to identify the situation.

Hence, the company is collaborating with mental health organizations to use Oculus Rift as the equipment to train police officers.

Virtual Reality Headsets to use as a Weapon

"It adds another whole component. You can change the scenarios. You don't need that much space. So we're taking a good look at," says NYPD Counterterrorism Deputy Chief John O'Connell.

"I get more scenarios in, in a much shorter time… you get immersed. There's a lot of heart-pounding and it's very realistic," says NYPD Counterterrorism Officer John Schoppmann.


Imagine shooting using Virtual Reality headsets? As the police field demands continuous training and learning, the virtual reality training system is becoming all the rage in officers’ training. Putting on the VR headsets, officers enter a whole new computerized world to learn military expertise, react to dangerous scenarios, and future fatal shootings.

Relying on this immersive technology can save them time & money as hiring expert trainers or actors to create scenarios can be strenuous. Through virtual reality training, police departments can train their officers without the confines of a physical place or actors.

The New Detectives

AR/VR is proving to be more effective than any classroom piece of training or audio/video training. The technologies are not new but their usage in the field is without a doubt unique.

Nextbridge can benefit you if you want to explore the true potential of Virtual & Augmented Realities. Is there something that you need?

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