Over the last 7 months, Nextbridge and Alibaba have collaborated to set up a team of sales and support staff in Pakistan to facilitate local businesses in exporting their products through Alibaba.com. Not only have the two been successful in rolling out this facility on schedule but also exceeded targets month after month within this short span of time.
To further solidify this cooperation between the two parties, Alibaba's Country Manager Jason Jia and Business Director Martin Wang visited Pakistan and the Nextbridge Head Office to meet with the team and senior management. The series of meetings ran on the agenda of discussing ways to address the unique challenges of Pakistani market such as lack of understanding for e-commerce, the need to train some suppliers to properly use the platform, payment options and more.
[caption id="attachment_1870" align="aligncenter" width="714"] Alibaba.com Country Manager Jason Jia in conversation with Director Nextbridge.[/caption]
While Martin and Jason met with the team to discuss larger concerns, suppliers using Alibaba's services also met with the delegation at our premises to engage directly with the Country Manager.
[caption id="attachment_1885" align="aligncenter" width="714"] Alibaba Delegation in discussion with Pakistani suppliers at Nextbridge, Lahore.[/caption]
Jason held an interactive session with Nextbridge's certified members of Alibaba Support Team to discuss challenges faced in the field and the new initiatives that can further facilitate Pakistani exporters.
[caption id="attachment_1886" align="aligncenter" width="714"] In discussion with Alibaba's Certified Experts at Nextbridge[/caption]
Over the next couple of days, the visiting delegation indulged in Lahore's hospitality and enjoyed visiting some historical landmarks like the Lahore Fort and Lahore Museum with the Pakistani Team.
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